Annual Membership Renewal
We are asking our members to please renew your membership for 2024-2025.
Membership per family $50/year
Requested donation $300/yr which will help us with several initiatives we have underway at the mosque.
All donations will be provided a tax receipt.
Benefits of membership – voting rights at the Annual General Election. Every 2 yrs we have elections to select the Board of Directors. This is a great way to provide input and direction on how the mosque operates.
Bathroom Renovation Fund Raiser!
The Bathroom renovations are starting early November 2024. Every dollar donated will go towards this project. As you can see below. We have been busy with your donations repairing and upgrading the mosque. Our target is to raise $100,000 which would cover 3 bathrooms.

Donation options to the mosque:
- Cash or cheque : please visit the Mosque on Friday during Jumma prayers and give it to one of the board members.
- E-Transfer to: [email protected] Please include your Name, home address and email in the Notes section of your e-transfer so we can send you a tax receipt.
- Online donation via Credit card: Please click here.
All donations will be provided a tax receipt at the end of the year.