The Islamic Cemetery of Niagara Burial Info:
Islamic Society of Niagara Peninsula and St.Catharines Mosque work together in order to provide burial Lots for any Muslim who lives in the Niagara Peninsula. The Islamic Cemetery of Niagara is located at Yokom Road in Niagara Falls.
To process a legal burial that complies with provincial laws, a burial lot must be first purchased. In order to to purchase a lot for burial we require:
- A Completed Application Form which can be downloaded here and email the completed form here.
- A Burial Order which is only available from City Hall after presenting them with a death certficate.
- The price of a Burial Lot does NOT include other services such as washing of the body, kafan, box, opening and closing of the graves, transportation or any Funeral Home services. Volunteers provide their services free for washing/ghusl and request that immediate family members of the deceased participate in the process whenever possible.
Please contact the either Mosque for full price details as well as the current price of the Burial Lot.
Niagara Falls Mosque Cemetery Contact
The St.Catharines Mosque (905) 641-8007
Information and requirement of burial
- Body washing facilities are available at both mosques. Masjid Alnoor in St. Catharines and ISNP on Lyons creek Road.
- Body must be buried in a wooden box. Both mosques have the boxes available, including the burial shrouds.
- Our cemetery does not have a hearse. Transportation of the body is done by a funeral home from place of expiry to mosque and from mosque to cemetery. A list of these funeral homes can be found in the yellow pages.
- Subsidized funeral services are offered by the Niagara Region
Islamic Cemetery Niagara Markers
There are rules and restrictions for Markers (headstones) in the Islamic Cemetery of Niagara.
- Only flat markers are allowed. These must be constructed of granite, bronze, or similar non-corrosive material. The markers must be at least 4 inches thick and have a concrete apron around the marker to the depth of 4 inches.
- All markers must be installed with the top most section level with the ground in the presence of a Cemetery Committee representative.
- The recommended size of a marker is 15 inches by 12 inches. No marker shall exceed 24 inches x 18 inches. Markers over 172 square inches require payment of $50 to the “ISNP, Care and Maintainence Fund”.
- No inscription shall be placed on the marker which does not comply with the Islamic Cemetery of Niagara regulations.
- The Cemetery reserves the right to remove any marker that does not comply with these regulations.
- The Cemetery shall not be responsible for any damage to the marker.
Islamic Cemetery of Niagara does not have a preferred vendor for markers. However, there are a few local companies that have provided markers and are familiar with our rules and restrictions.
- Kirkpatrick Stoneworks – 905-892-3061
- Carsaro Classic Engraving – 905 – 356 – 6421